Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Great Communicator

To communicate effectively, we need to be thoughtful, be able to use listening skills and symbols as well as have the ability to influence others (O'Hair & Wiemann, 2009). When I think about a competent communicator I think of Steve Harvey. Steve Harvey is a comedian who has his own syndicated radio show that is broadcast all over the world. I believe that he is an effective communicator because he is able to make you laugh as well as give you genuine advice about life. He has a real down to earth personality even though he is rich and famous. Through his radio show he is able to inspire millions with his motivational segment. You may also call in for advice or just to get a laugh. He communicates love and giving through his charitable contributions and mentoring program. His influence is widespread and has a lasting impression. The behaviors that I would like to pattern after Mr. Harvey include the ability to make people smile or laugh. I believe a place of laughter is a happy place. As I work in the field of early childhood education, I would also like to be an excellent listerner and motivator for the children and families that I serve. Reference: O’Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

1 comment:

  1. Teresa,

    I wonder if humor is a good way to communicate with families, I know it works with children! My husband teaches Phys. Ed. and when he has a class that is not motivated or willing to participate he jumps around and acts funny to get them to laugh and to be ready to have class. He says this works every time. Maybe if more teachers used humor, our students would enjoy school more!
