Saturday, June 23, 2012


The course Perspectives on Diversity and Equity have taught me how to better prepare myself for working with children and families. I have learned how important it is to reach each child and family through their culture and how deep connections play a vital role in educating the children. My hope for myself is that I will continue to make a difference in the lives of children and families with a renewing faith that each child and family is unique and deserves to be treated with deep respect. I hope that my voice and my activism on the behalf of children and families advocates for the social justice that we so desperately need in our society today. A goal for the early childhood field is that each institution realizes how vital diversity and equity is in the lives of children. Courses on diversity, equity, and social justice should be offered in the study of early childhood education. School Districts should also have workshops and training on these topics yearly. Finally, I would like to say thank you to my colleagues for your comments and support throughout these eight weeks. Your discussions have provided me with a plethora of knowledge that I can pull from as I continue my professional journey.

1 comment:

  1. Teresa,

    I am sure you will continue to positively impact the children and families you work with since you have a teachable spirit and a desire to support them and learn from them. If we had more professionals in the field with your passion we could surely change the future! Thank you for sharing so much of your experiences and knowledge with your posts. I love how we are all different and because of those differences we can learn from each other. Our diversity makes us stronger! Good luck in your next class!
