Monday, December 17, 2012


The innocence of childhood is being taken away from children all over the world.  Violence, child abuse, terrorism, disease, natural disasters, and many other horrific tragedies are affecting children of all ages.  These tragedies may have devasting, lasting affects on a child's emotional stability.  As professionals in early childhood education it is important that we are aware of the challenges that face not only the children in our immediate reach but all children. 

The region I choose to study is South Asia.  I choose this area of the world because I knew little about the lives of the children there.  Some of the challenges that face the children living in South Asia includes child marriages, children being traded to settle disputes and debts, malnutrition, and poor access to education and health services.  Child marriage is a human rights violation and has an impact on all aspects of a girl's life.  It denies a girl of her childhood, disrupts her education, limits her opportunities, increases her risks of violence and abuse as well as jeopardizes her health (UNICEF, 2012).  Child marriage is most common in South Asia where about 1/3 of women ages 20-24 years old were married as children. Another challenge facing children in South Asia is being traded from their families in order to settle disputes and debts between warring families.  Children, especially daughters, who are traded experience violence and abuse on a regular basis.  Children are also facing malnutrition and poor access to education and health services.  Conflict, political turmoil, natural disasters and economic instability have posed major challenges to the well-being of children and women in Pakistan in recent years (UNICEF, 2012). 

UNICEF and its partners support the mapping and assessment of child protection systems. This work helps build consensus among government and civil society on the goals and components of such systems, their strengths, weaknesses and priorities upon which to act. This then translates into improved laws, policies, regulations, standards and services protecting all children. It also leads to the strengthening of these systems with the financial and human resources necessary to deliver results for children.  Over the past decade, UNICEF has also supported the informed understanding of social norms that result in violence, exploitation and abuse and has promoted change in a number of countries. To promote positive norms to bring about an end to harmful practices, UNICEF engages in advocacy and awareness raising and supports discussions, education programs and communication for development strategies at community and national levels (UNICEF, 2012).

As I continue my journey in the field of early childhood education, I am constantly reminded how precious a healthy stable life is for the development of children and adults.  It is very important that we, as professionals, advocate for children all over the world.  We must continue to support programs and projects that seek justice and equality for all children.  Personally, I am committed to contining my prayers and giving through my religious connections for children all over the world.


UNICEF. (2012). Retrieved from

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