Sunday, July 22, 2012

Assessing My Styles as a Communicator

I have truly learned a lot about communicating with others since beginning the course Communicating and Collaborating in the Early Childhood Field. I never really thought about the complexity of communicating with others. How often do we just wave to others or talk to them without even thinking about the consequences of our words or actions. Communication helps to establish and build relationships with others. It enables us to make connections with those we love and those whom we have just met. My communication assessments were completed by my husband and a co-worker. They both scored me as a people-oriented person. This did not surprise me because I have always been a very empathetic person who tends to be very trusting of others. I believe that in the field of education you have to be a people-oriented person in order to relate to students and their families. They both said that I am moderate in the area of being respectful when disagreeing with others by not attacking the person, but by disagreeing with the topic or facts being stated. I will work on bringing that down lower to be gentler with those I disagree with. Everyone agreed that I really do not show much anxiety when communicating with others. I think the only time I really feel anxious is when I have to speak to a large group of people in a public place. As I begin advocating for children and families, it is very important to me that I become less anxious as I collaborate with others in the field of early childhood education.

1 comment:

  1. Teresa,

    It sounds like our results were similar. It would be interesting to see how many of us (in the EC field) are "people-oriented" communicators. I expect most (if not all) of us are! I think it comes with the job!

    I enjoyed reading your blog!
