Saturday, January 28, 2012

Web Resources

One of the major topics from the Children’s Defense Fund website and January newsletter that caught my attention is the debate about Full Day Kindergarten. Since I have taught first grade for over 8 years, I have seen first hand what happens when children enter the first grade not ready academically, socially, or emotionally because they either did not go to kindergarten or they attended one that was not of high quality.
Many states do not even require full day kindergarten. I see this as a major concern since
so many children are entering grade school not ready. As educators, families, and lawmakers continue to advocate for children’s rights this is one area that deserves immediate attention.

In December, the House of Representatives and Senate negotiators agreed on a spending bill for the fiscal year of 2012 which helps to fund federal government money through September. For Early childhood advocates, children and families this funding will give additional money for childhood programs and services. In additional slots for Head Start and Early Head Start were maintained. In this election year it is vital that we continue to speak up for the rights of children and focus our attention on the candidates who will place children as a priority in their campaigns. Ending poverty is a number one concern when more than 1 out of 5 children are poor. Minorities lead this crisis. Every year our nation loses half a trillion dollars in lost productivity, poor health and increased crime. Health care also needs to be a priority for families, especially women and children.

I have enjoyed learning about the outreach programs that the Children’s Defense Fund sponsors for children and youth. Their Freedom Schools, Cradle to Prison Pipeline, and Youth Development and Leadership programs enables children to continue serving in their community once they have become stable and capable of helping others. Internships are also available in the CDF’s national and state offices. This is a very experience for the intern and also a valuable resource for CDF because many of theses interns have gone up to become leaders nationally and internationally and help to change the lives of many children.


Children’s Defense Fund. (2012). Retrieved from

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