Saturday, January 7, 2012


Establishing a relationship with other professionals around the world in the field of education is a great way to increase my awareness of the issues and trends in early childhood education. However, this task is easier said then done. I used the Global Alliance of NAEYC website to try and connect with professionals in Europe and Canada through my email. I did not receive a response from anyone. Since I am an active member of the United Methodist Women organization in my church and this is a world wide organization, I decided to try and use some of the UMW contacts to locate professionals who work with children. I did receive a response from Nicaragua. A missionary there has offered to try and make contact with colleagues who have expertise or work in the education field for me.

I have also registered with the National Children's Defense Fund to receive their newsletter and updates about this organization. Through my relgious affiliation, each year I have received information about celebrating Children's Sabbath in October from the Children's Defense Fund. This information is used in our local Sunday School at New Francis Brown United Methodist Church. I felt that selecting this organization would give me a chance to learn more about how they help children all over the world and how I can help children in my local community.


  1. Teresa,

    I am glad that you got a hold of someone in Nicaragua. I am sure that you will recieve a response shortly. Thanks for the idea of asking church missionaries to help with this aadventure. First thing in the morning I will try to do the same. I know we have some in China and that location would be perfect. The National Children's Defense Fund website has some really good information located on their site. I have used it for an assignment or two, but can not wait to you write about it in the future.


  2. I love your quotes!!! Can I steal one or two? lol
