Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Birthing Experience

The experience of having a baby in China is much different then having one in a western country. Routine and free prenatal care is limited in some areas. Technically it is also illegal for the those giving the ultrasound to disclose the gender of the fetus. Many hospitals in China only give epidurals for those having cesarean births and women labor together in one room. This type of system may not allow for many family members to be present during a delivery. A similarity to the United States is that cesarean births have risen since the 1970s. Chinese doctors may also be very pushy to foreigners and not want to comply to your wants. As I read the information about having a baby in China, it made me realize what I took for granted during my pregnancy and birthing experience. My OBGYN made me feel relaxed and informed as a new expectant mother. I found out the gender of my son early own with no problems and had natural childbirth by choice. I also have had friends who have had their entire families present during the birth of their children. Some were even videoed.

1 comment:

  1. Great choices. I like your comment about children needing to feel safe and secure before learning can take place. Building relationships with the children is so important.
    Your blog looks great!
