Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thank You Team!

To all of the members of the Communicating & Collaborating in the Early Childhood Field Course, I would first like to say thank you for your thought provoking discussions, compliments, and suggestions. This course has truly taught me a lot about effective communication and how to successfully collaborate with others. I wish for all you wonderful success as you continue your journey in the field of Education. Never forget that our most treasured possessions--our children, are counting on us to be the voice that will help them reach their fullest potential!


  1. Teresa,

    I just want to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog. You have put such care into its design and I think it must reflect who you are as an early childhood professional. I am impressed by the warmth, the wisdom, and the dedication I see here.

    I wish you all the best as you continue your Walden journey and beyond. It has been a pleasure to "know" you through these classes and I hope we meet again.


  2. Teresa
    Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom. This was a great course, and I am glad I had the chance to experience it with you. I feel privileged to have been in the company of such a dedicate group of early educators. Best wishes and I want to stay in touch. Please join my professional network on LinkedIn or email me.
