Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thank You Team!

To all of the members of the Communicating & Collaborating in the Early Childhood Field Course, I would first like to say thank you for your thought provoking discussions, compliments, and suggestions. This course has truly taught me a lot about effective communication and how to successfully collaborate with others. I wish for all you wonderful success as you continue your journey in the field of Education. Never forget that our most treasured possessions--our children, are counting on us to be the voice that will help them reach their fullest potential!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Team Development

Group dynamics is very important when working together. The Forming and Storming Stages of a group are very important in determining how well the group will function with each other. I have been a member of groups that have worked well together and groups that have not worked well together at all. I have found that when a group is unable to communicate with each other effectively or complete assignments because of behaviors and attitudes of group members, adjourning from these groups is not very hard at all. However, when true bonds of friendship have been formed and the group works harmoniously together to get the goals of the group accomplished, adjourning is a sort of celebration for a job well done. It also allows for future rapport that can continue the building of positive interactions. Reference: O'- Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.