Saturday, March 31, 2012

Research Around the World

I chose to learn more about the Early Childhood Australia website located at It is very similar to the National Association of Education for Young Children of the United States because it seeks to provide provision for the high-quality services for all young children from birth to eight years of age, along with their families. It supports parents and the roles that they play in the lives of their children. Early Childhood Australia is focusing research on some of the same issues that are facing children in the states...issues of good health, respecting diversity in the education system, bullying, young children and aggression, engaging families, and types of assessment. These were just a few of the research topics that were described in their Research In Practice Series which is a collection of practical and easy to read resources that offer effective new approaches for anyone facing challenges that affect the early childhood field. One of the topics that really caught my attention was the use of portfolios as a way of assessing children in kindergarten. A portfolio is a collection of organized, purposeful information about the individual student that provides insights and an overview of their learning and development over time. What is so great about the portfolio is that the student, as well as teachers and parents, can place things in the portfolio and discuss why it was placed there. From this website I have learned that portfolios provide a valuable way to strengthen the communication between the children, their parents, and the school. Finding ways to create strong partnerships with all those involved in a child's live builds a child's capacity for learning and development.


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