Saturday, February 18, 2012

International Contacts: Part 3

I have still not received any other response from my international contact since the second week of class, therefore I visited the UNESCO website. The United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization(UNESCO) seeks to build peace by ending poverty, sustaining development, and making intercultural contact through education, the sciences, culture, communication, and information. Through these sectors of society they are able to reach children in the early childhood, primary, and secondary fields of education. One of may professional goals is to establish connections with other early childhood advocates around the world in order to learn more about the plight of children. Through my connections I want to be able to provide mission relief efforts through my church. I am hoping this website will be able to help me full fill this goal. Their approach encompasses the entire well being of, nutrition, security, and learning. Another goal I have is to one day open my own child care center. Studying information from National Organizations such as UNESCO enables me to see the big picture of how children are treated in other countries...not just in the US. It also enables countries to collaborate and work together to provide for the healthy development of children in the world. I enjoyed being able to learn how the sectors of natural, social services, and cultural all affect our children. Being able to utilize information from a variety of resources enables me to be a more effective early childhood advocate.


1 comment:

  1. Teresa,

    I enjoyed reading your blog you have posted some very insightful information and I enjoyed reading. I am really glad to have taken this course Trends and Issues of Early Childhood, I hope that we will continue to grow as a team on future courses. I really enjoyed taken this course and I learned alot about international child development programs and a ton of benefits and issues that other countries share with the United States.

    Alice Jones
