Saturday, October 1, 2011


Family relationships can become stressed when parents are not able to get along. The family unit serves as the provider of a child's basic necessities, their learning, their self image of themselves, and the ability to nurture friendships and provide harmony and stability. When this is threathen, children are the ones who are the most affected. Divorce can separate children from someone who is seen as a caregiver. Bonds or attachments may be broken which can cause the child to become withdrawn or lonely. Children may begin to act out or do certain things that they may have never done before. Divorce can affect the financial well being and stability of a family. Children may also feel that they are the cause for the parent leaving. I have helped to raise two children who witnessed their parents' divorce. They both could have benefited from counseling because for a long time they felt like they did something to cause the divorce. Even though they had a supportive father and extended family, I believe that this was not enough to erase the fact that "Momma" was no longer around.


Berger,K.(2009). The developing person through childhood. New York,NY: Worth Publishers.

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