Saturday, March 2, 2013


I can’t believe I have finally made it through the last course!  My experience at Walden has been one of both anxiety and absolute joy.  Through my professors, my colleagues, and the resource materials, I feel that I am armed with the tools needed to make a bigger difference in the lives of the children and families that I meet each day.  I have learned how to look past my own biases and the biases of others to make education more meaningful and worthwhile for all my students.  Listening to and studying the work of anti-bias professors has taught me that your passion can surpass any bias that you may encounter on your journey for social change.  I feel that I can now be a better advocate for those children and families who are unable to be heard because of their differences.  My journey with Walden has also reaffirmed for me the importance of making connections with families and those who work with children each day.  It indeed takes a village to raise a child and families give such vital information for working with their children.  Finally, I am truly amazed at all the resources and organizations that are working for and being developed for children.  Walden has given me wonderful contacts that I will be able to utilize as I continue working in the field of Early Childhood Education.

Interacting through online communication with my colleagues and professors has given me a valuable resource base that will assist me in my future goal of starting my own early childhood learning center.  I am excited about all that I can accomplish because others have helped to fan the flame of a spark of passion that brought me to the field of early childhood in the first place.  To all of my colleagues I say thank you for your kind words, challenging questions, and resources.  I wish you the best of luck in all that you do for the sake of children and families around the world.  To all of my professors who have led the way for us to become the leaders we are today, I say thank you for your guidance and nurturing.  God has given you a special talent to bring out the best in the students that you work with in each course.

As I look to the future and what it holds for me I am reminded of a biblical scripture that says love is the greatest Commandment.  If I continue to live by this verse while advocating for children, then I know that they will feel safe enough to give me their best.  We must face each day with the hope and faith that this day we will make a difference in the life of someone somewhere somehow. 

Peace and Blessings to All!