Saturday, February 16, 2013

International Jobs and Roles in the Early Childhood Community

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

There are many organizations that work on behalf of children in the early childhood community.  The three that I found the most interesting were the World Organization for Early Childhood Education, the Association for Childhood Education International, and the International Step by Step Association.  All three of these organizations have a mission focus that includes educating and helping children and their families.  They promote a greater inclusion of the family and community in educating and raising the children to promote social and economic prosperity. 

The World Organization for Early Childhood Education: OMEP-USA (2010)-Since 1946 this organization was developed to promote the wellbeing, rights, and education of young children.  It is composed of teachers, teacher educators, childcare providers, researchers, social workers, doctors, nurses, and psychologists who all work together to make a difference for children around the world.  OMEP-USA is an American branch of the World OMEP which is a non-profit child advocacy organization associated with the United Nations, UNICEF and UNESCO.  Membership can be obtained through an application with various levels of membership beginning with a student who wishes to work in education or social services field to organizations willing to become partners.  Applications for this organization include being able to support their projects through fundraisers, or even organizing a membership group in your local area. 

The Association for Childhood Education International’s mission is to promote and support the highest education, development, and well-being of children world-wide as they influence the professional growth of educators and the efforts of those who are committed to the needs of children in a changing society (2011).  They believe in a need for a strong foundation for learning at an early age and a greater investment in public education.  These are two very important issues that are being discussed by policy makers all over the world today.  Diversity is also a key issue because they also believe that schools should be mixed in terms of social backgrounds.  Members may join as Professional Plus or regular Professional Members.  There were however specific qualifications for executive board members which included being able to demonstrate a clear commitment to furthering the well-being of children worldwide, possessing strong leadership skills, being from the education or other human-service related sector. 

The International Step by Step Association (ISSA):  This organization was established 1999 in the Netherlands.  It connects organizations and professionals who work in the early childhood development and education field.  Equal access to quality education and the care for all children by supporting communities with a strong civil society is their mission.  They believe in providing high quality care and educational services for all children ages birth through 10 years of age especially the poor and disadvantaged (n.d.).  The resources they provide are intended to influence policy reform for families and children with a special focus on the younger years of a child’s life.  Individuals may become a Friend of ISSA free of charge which enables you to interact and connect with an online community.  Affiliate Members and Full Member must join through an organization.   

Becoming a member of each of these organizations would greatly benefit and enhance my knowledge of the resources available to children and families around the world. I would be able to connect and interact with other professionals who advocate for the healthy development of children and their families.  My first step would be to become a member through their online community in order to learn more about each organization. 



Association for Childhood Education International. (2011). Retrieved from

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

World Organization for Early Childhood Education. (2010). Retrieved from http://





Saturday, February 2, 2013

National/Federal Organizations in the ECE Community

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community:  National & Federal Level

Becoming a member of an Early Education Organization provides an opportunity for you to connect with people around the world who have some of the same values and philosophies that you do when it comes to children and education.  It also provides you will a chance to learn and grow as a professional in the field of early childhood education.  As I have been researching more and more about early education and specifically the curriculum that is used in early education centers and classrooms, I have found the following organizations very interesting and related to my studies.   

1.       The National Children’s Defense Fund Organization (2011)—this organization was founded by Marian Wright Edelman.  I recently became a member of this organization through a position in my church.  Our United Methodist Women’s group celebrates Children’s Sabbath each year in the month of October.  We utilize program outlines and materials that are develop through the Children’s Defense Organization.  As I studied their organization, I realized that becoming a member would enable me to connect with other professionals and receive materials that would enhance my professional career as a teacher in public education as well as a Sunday School teacher and Mission Coordinator at my church.  A part of their mission is to inspire young children and youth while they help to protect their needs for healthy development.  This concept is very important to me since I work and attend church in an area that serves low income children and families.

2.      The National Education Association (NEA) (2002)—their motto is Great Public Schools for Every Student.  This organization states that early childhood education is one of the best investments for our country.  Research has shown that providing a high quality education for children five and younger has significant long-term benefits.  For years I have heard administrators focus on the curriculum for students in grades 3 and higher because of standardized testing.  After that the focus went down to primary grades like k-2nd because they realized that children need a quality foundation in the primary grades to succeed in the upper grades.  However, the focus was one sided because many school districts only look at the academic side of a child’s development in primary grades.  Organizations like the NEA have helped to spread the knowledge that quality education means educating the ‘whole child’ through all domains (academic, social, emotional, physical).  The website for this organization provides excellent resources and links that professionals can utilize to support children of all ages.  I was specifically interested in their connections with the National Scientific Council on The Developing Child at Harvard University which has performed studies to determine children’s emotional development and the affects that stress may have on the brain of young children in school.  The area in which I would become a member of this organization would be as a certified active professional which is opened to public school teachers and others who are certified in education.

3.      Voices for American’s Children (n.d.)—this organization provides resources at the community, state, and federal level to improve the lives of all children, especially those who are the most vulnerable because of other influences.  I was drawn to this organization because of its focus policy goals which include developing equity and promoting diversity, promoting school readiness, school success, safety, and economic stability for children and families.  Although my challenge for this course focuses on the curriculum used in early education classrooms, I feel that becoming a member of this organization would benefit me because of their philosophy on doing what is best for the healthy development of the child and helping children to succeed.    The position I would be interested in would be as a member of their network through e-mail/blog registrations to be able to communicate with other advocates in the education field.


Children's Defense Fund. (2011). Retrieved from

National Education Association (2002).  Retrieved from

Voices for America's Children. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from