Thursday, April 19, 2012

When I Think of Research...

Research has provided the field of early childhood with valuable theories and ideas about how to work with children and their families. When I think of research I think about the emergence of new information that can be used to help someone's child or children. It could be medical, educational, or social. The fact is that research enables us to make our lives and world better.

From this course I have learned about the different methods of completing research. I never knew that there were so many methods or types of designs out there. I have gained an understanding that research is definitely worthwhile, but we must keep in the front of our minds the steps involved with conducting research in the right way and above all else the ethical side of doing research.

The biggest challenge for me is actually realizing that I can be a participant in different styles of research. The projects and studies that I have participated in while working in school districts is all a part of research studies. The observations, interviews, checklists, and records that I have had to participate in were all part of a study that was used to benefit the education of a child.

The Building Research Competencies Course has enabled us to become active participates in research on our own. It is up to us to go out and put into action the knowledge that we have gained from our reading material, our professor, and each other. Good Luck to all of you as we uncover new possibilities for our children and families.